Prevention of Vaginal Yeast Infections
How to avoid getting a Vaginal Yeast Infection
Although fungal infections are not usually serious, they are very unpleasant. It is worthwhile to do everything you can to avoid developing yeast infections. Luckily, there are many ways to prevent these annoying infections from getting started in the first place.
Because yeast microorganisms multiply in warm, moist, enclosed areas, the objective is to keep your body clean, aired out and dry. You can do this by making small changes in your daily habits, lifestyle, clothing, use of chemicals, diet, and medications.
Daily Habits & Lifestyle
Dry off completely after your shower. Wipe carefully in the creases of your body and more so if you are overweight. Don’t be in a rush to put on your underwear. Give these “hidden” parts a chance to air-dry, whenever you can. If you are in a hurry, you could use a blow dryer set on low, at a safe distance, to finish drying the vaginal and rectal areas.
Wear clean, dry underwear every day. Don’t wear damp underwear. Change your underwear more than once a day during your period, or if you tend to leak before or after urination. Yeast organisms can multiply on wet undergarments. Don’t hang around in a wet swimsuit.
Keep the vaginal area clean. Wipe from front to rear after urination or after a bowel movement, to avoid drawing bacteria into the vaginal area.
Several other preventive steps may help prevent a vaginal infection. Avoid douching, which can upset the balance of yeast in the vagina. Avoid perfumed bath oils and bath salts. They can irritate the genital area. Avoid scented tampons or sanitary pads. Shower after activities that make you sweat. Take more showers on hot, humid days. Avoid hot baths or long bubble baths. Avoid sitting on plastic or synthetic materials for long periods of time. Always urinate after intercourse. Consider buying a slower filter which can remove chlorine gas from the hot water. Reduce stress and make time for activities that you find joyful and relaxing.
Your choice of clothing can help tremendously in preventing a yeast infection. Start by choosing loose, natural fibre materials that allow your body to breathe. Select all-cotton panties, instead of nylon underwear or synthetic materials. Slip into loose clothes, instead of tight jeans or pantyhose, whenever possible.
Avoid wearing clothes that trap moisture or create a warm environment in which yeast organisms can thrive. Do you want organisms thriving on your body? NO. Remove wet bathing suits and sweaty exercise gear as soon as possible.
Sleep without any underwear whenever possible, or else wear cotton underwear. Wear loose cotton pajamas or a cotton nightgown to bed.
Use fragrance-free products whenever you can. Stay away from perfumed products, which may contain chemicals that can cause allergies. Perfumed soaps, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, sanitary pads, vaginal deodorants and female hygiene sprays can all cause irritation, which could lead to yeast infections.
Colon Cleanse
In some cases, recurring vaginal yeast infections can be helped by taking a colon cleanse. This is especially true if you have anal itching, which could indicate the presence of pinworms or parasites. Products such as Natura Cleanse can help to cleanse the body of intestinal candida and get rid of any parasites. These products usually come with free trial bottles, which will be all you need if you are clearing a one-time infection, so you can't really go wrong.
Making changes to your diet is an important yeast infection prevention measure. Avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar, as sugar feeds yeast. Also cut back on grains or processed foods. Instead, eat whole foods, ideally raw or steamed, whenever possible. Drink lots of pure water every day. Consider the possibility of investing in a good reverse osmosis water filter system for your family. Eat more raw enzymatically alive foods. Eat yogurt that contains the bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus regularly. Alternatively, take capsules containing lactobacillus acidophilus, available from health food stores. If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control.
Be extremely prudent in the use of antibiotics, which have been found to kill the good bacteria which we need to be healthy. Many women develop vaginal yeast infections after having taken antibiotics to cure some other infection. The problem is that along with destroying the bad bacteria, antibiotics kill the good and upset the delicate yeast balance in the body.
In addition, only take antibiotics that have been prescribed for you. Never try to save money by taking expired antibiotics.
Also avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen as they also destroy good bacteria and can cause yeast infections.