Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infections
Why do vaginal yeast infections occur?
A vaginal yeast infection can occur in two ways: when new yeast is introduced in the vagina or when there is an increase in the normal quantity of yeast organisms in the vagina. The vagina’s acidic environment usually controls the growth of yeast. However, certain factors can upset the normal balance of microorganisms in the vagina, causing the candida to overgrow, leading to a vaginal yeast infection. Some of the most common factors that upset the ecological balance of the vaginal area are explained below.
Antibiotics can destroy the normal protective bacteria in the vagina. They upset the delicate balance of yeast in your system, leading to infections. Penicillin and streptomycin and examples. About 25- 75% of women who take antibiotics could develop a yeast infection. If you are receiving treatment for strep throat, respiratory, urinary tract or other infections, the antibiotics can kill the “good” bacteria and upset the balance of the vaginal system. Antibiotics can cause the candida organisms to multiply and irritate the inner lining of the vagina. Avoid taking antibiotics unless absolutely necessary and take the mildest dose possible when you have to. Inform your doctor that you don’t want to take antibiotics unless you must. You could ask the doctor to prescribe a product like Nystatin along with your antibiotic, to avoid an overgrowth of yeast. You could also take a probiotic product such as Total Immune Booster after you have finished taking the prescribed antibiotics.
Medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs can disturb the balance of stomach flora, making the body more susceptible to yeast infections. Ibuprofen and naproxen are common examples of such drugs. Birth control pills and hormone therapy have also been cited by some doctors as being a contributing factor in fungal infections, due to the higher estrogen levels which feed the yeast.
Hormonal Changes are a common cause of yeast infections. Pregnancy, for example, with its increased estrogen levels, makes women more prone to yeast infections. Although these infections do not affect the pregnancy adversely, they still cause discomfort. Some researchers believe that pregnancy causes the body to grow more glycogen, which makes it easier for yeast to multiply. Others believe the higher levels of estrogen cause a rapid increase in the quantity of yeast organisms in the walls of the vagina. Most physicians recommend vaginal creams and suppositories to treat yeast infections during pregnancy, as some oral medications are unsafe during pregnancy and lactation. If the yeast infection goes untreated during pregnancy, it could be passed on to the baby’s mouth, in the form of “thrush”.
Ovulation can cause some women to develop yeast infections. Many women get them from the time they ovulate until they get their period. Less frequently, they appear at other times of the monthly cycle. There are different theories about which hormones yeast needs to grow –progesterone, estrogen or estradiol. Some women choose to do saliva testing to monitor and test for hormonal imbalances. Others take DIM.
Weakened Immune Systems Women with compromised immune systems, such as due to HIV or Lyme disease, are especially susceptible to yeast infections. Medicines that suppress the immune system can also cause vaginal yeast infections. For example, women who take cortisone-related medications such as prednisone may develop infections more frequently than women with normal immune systems.
Besides these cases, all of us are exposed to polluted air, mercury aluminum, iron and lead in our daily lives, which have been shown to have a strong link to yeast infections.
Chemotherapy may injure the inner wall of the vagina, leading to increased vaginal infections.
Diabetes can affect females in two ways: 1) It can lower the glycogen content in the cells of the vagina. 2) It can raise the vaginal sugar content and pH levels, which make yeast microorganisms flourish, increasing the chances of developing a vaginal infection.
Injury, of any kind, to the vaginal membranes can trigger a yeast infection. This can happen when inserting a tampon or other object, for instance.
Condoms can cause vaginal yeast infections in women who may be allergic to latex, or to certain spermicides in which condoms are packaged. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice if you suspect this is the case.
Clothing that increases the temperature and moisture level of the vaginal area may cause a yeast infection. Panties which are tight or made of nylon or other non-natural materials make it difficult for the body to breathe, trapping heat and moisture inside and around the vagina. Wearing unbleached, un-dyed cotton underwear is the best way to avoid this problem. Wearing dirty underwear or not changing underwear frequently can also lead to yeast infections, as yeast can thrive on underwear. Sleeping in tight underwear can also lead to infections.
Douching disturbs the normal balance of yeast in the vagina, which can lead to vaginitis.
Scented Products such as hygiene sprays, sanitary napkins bubble baths, bath salts, deodorants and wet wipes contain additives that can make women more prone to vaginal infections, by upsetting the balance of the healthy bacteria in the vaginal zone.
Sex, by itself, does not cause vaginal yeast infections. However, you could contract a yeast infection through sexual relations with an infected male or female partner.
Stress can reduce your immune function of your body by up to 50%. If you work too hard, have no job, are depressed, have no social life, have young children or have lost a loved one you could be under more stress than you realize. Each of us responds differently to stress, but if you are highly stressed you need to take steps to control it so your immune system can fight off the yeast infection.
Food can also be a cause of yeast infection because livestock is given antibiotics to make them “safer” and fatter. In addition, cows that are fed in certain ways may be imbibing mold, which is then passed on to us. When we eat beef, milk or cheese, we may be altering the balance of good and bad bacteria in our bodies.
Furthermore, grains, such as wheat, peanuts, rye and barley, which are stored in silos for long periods of time, may be exposed to mold. When we eat cereals, chips, bread and peanut butter, we may be allowing these fungi to enter our systems. In addition, foods such as peanuts, corn and read apples grow mold on them as they grow. The mold in such foods can destroy the beneficial bacteria in our digestive system, allowing the yeast to multiply.
Other edible causes of yeast infections are chlorine, sugar, fluoride and bottled spring water.
Beer, drunk by a male partner, could be the cause of your yeast infection. Because beer is made out of brewers yeast and grains which could be moldy, men who drink beer have a higher likelihood of developing yeast infections on the head of the penis. In normal temperature, this is not a problem but inside the vagina, the warmer internal temperature provides an ideal place for the yeast organisms to multiply. This can lead to a yeast infection in the female.
Other health problems may be the cause of recurrent yeast infections. Consult a doctor to determine if the vaginal yeast infections are a sign of more serious health problems, such s HIV.